MyCpdZW is a pilot of VAKA Health Foundation (VHF). The mission of VHF is to provide world class on-going medical professional career development to health workers in resource poor communities and countries. VAKA is an African word widely understood across Africa to mean build. This action-based word reflects our values and ethos in building better health care in Africa.
By 2026 we seek to deliver ongoing medical professional development and education to 30 – 60% of health care professionals in sub-Saharan Africa.
We will roll out medical professional career development using mobile educational health solutions providing the following services for health care workers (HCWs):
Ongoing accredited professional career development has already been provided at a fraction of the costs of other models in Zimbabwe, and delivered to city, village and dusty paths.
To be a preferred provider of world class medical education
uhlelo iwe mycpdzw siyalujabulela njalo luhle kakhulu.Sesiyenelisa ukubala lokufunda izifundo eziqakathekileyo okumele zaziwe ngomongikazi.Phezu kokufunda izifundo lezi kulemiklomelo esiyitholayo.Kuhle ngoba lokhu sikweza yiloba umuntu endlini kumbe emsebenzini.
A very good way to learn current information.Very easy way to manage points as well..great work
A quick and accessible reference tool for us who work in Emergency Situations.The mobile app is handy and it can even be refined further...Thanks
as an occupational Health practitioner, i have found MyCPDZW to be an informative, educative and risk reduction tool for every healthcare worker through reduction of hazards associated with travelling to renew practicing certificates.